Care products

Clean­ing, care and dis­in­fec­tion.

Estab­lished and appre­ci­ated

More than 60 per­cent of our cus­tom­ers rely on the deter­gents we have developed. For good reas­on: With RM22 and RM36, we have developed two deter­gents that ideally sup­ple­ment each oth­er and achieve excel­lent res­ults.

There are match­ing waxes, sur­face dry­ers and dis­in­fect­ants from SKP.

RM22 deter­gent

For reg­u­lar tar­paul­in clean­ing

The RM22 has been developed by the SKP team as a gentle deter­gent and its effect has been tested with SKP machines. The RM22 is ideal for reg­u­lar clean­ing of the tar­paul­in mater­i­al. It is NTA-free and is not clas­si­fied as a haz­ard­ous mater­i­al. RM22 is avail­able as a 210 litre bar­rel or as a 25 litre can­is­ter, which can also be con­nec­ted dir­ectly to the SKP machines. We are happy to offer a lar­ger con­tain­er on request.

RM36 deter­gent

For per­sist­ent stains

With the RM36, the SKP team has developed a deter­gent that is more effect­ive and aggress­ive than the RM22 and is there­fore ideal for remov­ing stub­born dirt. Its effect has been tested with SKP machines. The RM36 is NTA-free and is clas­si­fied as a haz­ard­ous mater­i­al. We will gladly send you the safety data sheet. The RM36 is avail­able as a can­is­ter with 25 litres, which can also be con­nec­ted dir­ectly to the SKP machines.

PMW2 wax

Care after clean­ing

The wax PMW2 is an SKP devel­op­ment and has been tested for the treat­ment of tar­paul­in mater­i­al with SKP machines. Our PMW2 has dry­ing prop­er­ties and forms a caring pro­tect­ive lay­er on the tar­paul­in. The wax is recom­men­ded for the care of the mater­i­al after reg­u­lar clean­ing. PMW2 is clas­si­fied as a haz­ard­ous mater­i­al. We will gladly send you the safety data sheet. PMW2 is avail­able as a 210 litre drum as well as a 25 litre can­is­ter that can be con­nec­ted dir­ectly to the SKP machines.

OT82 dry­er

Dry­ing and mould-inhib­it­ing

The sur­face dry­er OT82 is an SKP devel­op­ment and tested for the care of tar­paul­in mater­i­al with SKP machines. Our OT82 has a dry­ing effect and has a mould-inhib­it­ing effect. We recom­mend its use for year-end clean­ing before stor­ing the mater­i­al. The OT82 is clas­si­fied as a haz­ard­ous mater­i­al. We will gladly send you the safety data sheet. The sur­face dry­er is avail­able as a can­is­ter with 25 litres, which can be con­nec­ted dir­ectly to the SKP machines.

DC10 dis­in­fect­ant

Reli­able anti­vir­al

The dis­in­fect­ant DC10 is the latest product in our care and clean­ing range. Even at a dilu­tion of 1:10, it achieves an anti­vir­al effect. DC10 can be applied with a dis­in­fec­tion unit and is avail­able in 25 litre can­is­ters.

It can only be shipped with­in Ger­many (as of May 2020).

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