Tent­mas­ter 2
Tent­mas­ter 2
Tent­mas­ter 2
Tent­mas­ter 2
Tent­mas­ter 2
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Auto­mat­ic tar­paul­in retrac­tion

Tent­mas­ter 2: strong sup­port

Erect­ing tents is a phys­ic­al chal­lenge. Some activ­it­ies even involve a cer­tain risk, such as pulling in the roof tar­paul­ins via fork­lift truck. SKP provides the solu­tion with Tent­mas­ter 2: The auto­ma­tion sys­tem for the assembly of large tents not only sim­pli­fies the erec­tion pro­cess con­sid­er­ably, it also con­trib­utes greatly to occu­pa­tion­al safety by elim­in­at­ing excess­ive effort and dan­ger­ous man­euvers. Thanks to elec­tric pulling units that can be con­trolled remotely, either indi­vidu­ally or syn­chron­ously, tar­paul­in retrac­tion is accom­plished in record time. And all this with just three employ­ees.

The Tent­mas­ter 2 make your tent setup great again. Thanks to the elec­tric­al pulling units you can pull the roof pan­els in record time with just 3 guys.

The pulling mode can be either single mode for adjust­ing and thread­ing or syn­chro mode for the reg­u­lar pull. The spe­cial designed pull ropes are hooked with a cara­bin­er to the tow­ing point of the fab­ric. The Ropes were deflec­ted and pulled par­al­lel to the beam by the elec­tric­al pulling units. Espe­cially in con­fined space con­di­tions, this is a major bene­fit. All com­pon­ents are attach­able to the com­mon pro­file types (100–140mm width) with the pat­en­ted one handed fast lock sys­tem.

The trans­port case has reas­on­able pal­let dimen­sion (1200x800mm) and offers enough room to store all com­pon­ents and sup­plies. The port­able con­trol box offers a min­im­um 70 meters range of remote con­trol and a char­ger func­tion for a second bat­tery.

Your bene­fits

Tech­nic­al details

Basic con­fig­ur­a­tion

Equip­ment and options

Test sta­tion climb­ing aid

The climb­ing aid of the Tent­mas­ter 2 must be sub­jec­ted to a safety check at reg­u­lar inter­vals in accord­ance with DIN EN 131 for lad­ders. The SKP has set up a test sta­tion for climb­ing aids, in which all climb­ing aids are tested before deliv­ery and giv­en a test seal.
We offer you to ser­vice your climb­ing aid and repair it if neces­sary in our ser­vice work­shop. The climb­ing aid is tested in our spe­cially designed test­ing machine accord­ing to DIN EN 131 and equipped with a test seal that is provided with the next test date.

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