SKP Com­pany por­trait

Clean­ing machines for the tent industry

Exper­i­enced and innov­at­ive

The weath­er and oth­er extern­al influ­ences affect tar­paul­ins and tents and com­prom­ise both their func­tion and their appear­ance. The only rem­edy is pro­fes­sion­al clean­ing, which is thor­ough and gentle at the same time. This is exactly what we at SKP have been spe­cial­iz­ing in for many years. Tent tar­paul­ins, cur­tains and gable tar­paul­ins, tent floors, chairs, tables, side wall ele­ments, alu­min­um pro­files … In our com­pany headquarter in Müh­lack­er, our team designs, pro­grams and man­u­fac­tures high-per­form­ance clean­ing sys­tems that exactly meet the require­ments of our cus­tom­ers. Tent man­u­fac­tur­ers, con­tract clean­ers and tent rent­al com­pan­ies world­wide trust in SKP’s expert­ise.

Resource-effi­cient clean­ing of tar­paul­ins and tents

From party pago­das to mil­it­ary tents — as large as our product vari­ety is, all SKP machines have one thing in com­mon: they are high-qual­ity and robust enough to work reli­ably for dec­ades. Moreover, dur­ab­il­ity also plays an import­ant role in tar­paul­in wash­ing. Because how dur­able tar­paul­in mater­i­al is depends on wheth­er it is cleaned gently and reg­u­larly.

In addi­tion to optim­al clean­ing res­ults, we at SKP also attach import­ance to resource-sav­ing clean­ing with min­im­al water use. As an innov­at­ive com­pany, SKP is there­fore con­stantly devel­op­ing its port­fo­lio and offers its cus­tom­ers, among oth­er things, for­ward-look­ing water fil­tra­tion sys­tems for mul­tiple use of the rins­ing water.

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