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Inter­na­tion­ally appre­ci­ated

Who­ever decides to pur­chase an SKP clean­ing sys­tem chooses first-class clean­ing res­ults for many years — SKP tech­no­lo­gies are extremely dur­able and invest­ment-proof. The rela­tion­ships with our cus­tom­ers are also very long-last­ing: They know through exper­i­ence that they can rely on our con­sulta­tion and innov­at­ive strengths, on our con­cep­tion and man­u­fac­tur­ing expert­ise and, finally, on our ser­vice. All around the globe. SKP is the val­ued part­ner of tent man­u­fac­tur­ers, con­tract clean­ers, tent rent­al com­pan­ies and oth­er entit­ies world­wide.

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Event Industry

Tent hirer for the event industry (wed­dings, fest­ivals, folk fest­ivals, private small cel­eb­ra­tions). Tem­por­ary archi­tec­tures also for trade fairs and large events.

Dur­able tent struc­tures

Tents in front of res­taur­ants, covered out­door areas

Industry / Com­mer­cial

Tem­por­ary halls, ware­houses, covered con­struc­tion sites, agri­cul­tur­al equip­ment

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Dif­fer­ent tent struc­tures that need to be cleaned reg­u­larly for dif­fer­ent applic­a­tions

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Corona test tents: Hygiene is also guar­an­teed by the SKP dis­in­fec­tion unit

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