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Main­ten­ance con­tract

Plan­ning reli­ab­il­ity for you and us

Our tech­no­lo­gies are cus­tom­ised to the needs of our cus­tom­ers, and of course the same applies to our ser­vices. Many years of exper­i­ence have shown that our cus­tom­ers bene­fit most from the main­ten­ance con­tracts that we offer for every clean­ing sys­tem sold. It is not only the fin­an­cial advant­ages that are con­vin­cing but also the plan­ning reli­ab­il­ity and thus the reg­u­lar main­ten­ance that ensures a con­sist­ently high clean­ing per­form­ance of the SKP machines. Those who sign a ser­vice con­tract with SKP bene­fit from a favour­able ser­vice flat rate and lower travel costs thanks to optim­ised route plan­ning.

Of course, our ser­vice tech­ni­cians are exper­i­enced SKP spe­cial­ists. Their expert­ise is com­pre­hens­ive, as they are also part of the SKP man­u­fac­tur­ing team and have in-depth know­ledge of our machines. Our mul­ti­lin­gual, com­pet­ent ser­vice team is world­wide act­ive, as our clean­ing machines are used around the globe.

And wheth­er at home or abroad: our soph­ist­ic­ated, tried-and-tested ser­vice concept means a high degree of plan­ning secur­ity. For you and for us.

The most import­ant advant­ages of SKP main­ten­ance con­tracts over­view:

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