
SKPident Soft­ware

Browser-based and plat­form-inde­pend­ent

Wheth­er Win­dows, Mac or Linux, the browser-based soft­ware SKPident is plat­form-inde­pend­ent and com­bines many basic func­tions. New func­tions are con­tinu­ously being added.

The SKPident app is avail­able in both the App Store and the Google Play Store.
Daily data backup and syn­chron­iz­a­tion are done via the SKPident Cloud.

SKPident Ser­vice and cloud

SKPident Cloud includes import­ant ser­vices for work­ing with SKPident. In addi­tion to daily data backup
and per­man­ent free sup­port, the pack­age includes syn­chron­iz­a­tion of all devices.
Future devel­op­ments and 24/7 access­ib­il­ity through main­ten­ance, sup­port and ensur­ing func­tion­al­ity
are also part of our ser­vice pack­age.
You are wel­come to com­mu­nic­ate sug­ges­tions for enhance­ments and improve­ments. Many fea­tures
not men­tioned here were cre­ated through close cooper­a­tion with our users.

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