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Innov­at­ive solu­tions in the sec­tor of clean­ing sys­tems
Everything from one source — the SKP team as a com­pet­ent part­ner for start­ing a clean­er future.
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For man­u­fac­tur­ers of tents and tent accessor­ies
Even the greatest chal­lenges can be mastered eas­ily with SKP products
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Devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion know-how
at the highest level
Qual­ity products of the SKP brand —
from con­cep­tion to ser­vice.
Always a bene­fit for our cus­tom­ers
1.1_Event AdobeStock_590729000_Preview(1)
For rent­al com­pan­ies of tents and tent accessor­ies
The shiny present­a­tion makes the dif­fer­ence — always a clean appear­ance thanks to SKP clean­ing sys­tems
Innov­at­ive solu­tions in the sec­tor of clean­ing sys­tems
Everything from one source — the SKP team as a com­pet­ent part­ner for start­ing a clean­er future.
For man­u­fac­tur­ers of tents and tent accessor­ies
Even the greatest chal­lenges can be mastered eas­ily with SKP products
Devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion know-how at the highest level
Qual­ity products of the SKP brand — from con­cep­tion to ser­vice. Always a bene­fit for our cus­tom­ers
For rent­al com­pan­ies of tents and tent accessor­ies
The shiny present­a­tion makes the dif­fer­ence — always a clean appear­ance thanks to SKP clean­ing sys­tems
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Pro­fes­sion­al tent clean­ing

SKP devel­ops solu­tions

With the clean­ing sys­tems from SKP, the clean­ing of vari­ous tar­paul­ins and tents is suc­cess­ful. Effi­ciently, thor­oughly and, above all, gently — both for people and the tar­paul­in mater­i­al. Every SKP clean­ing sys­tem is based on our know-how through­out: We com­pletely devel­op and pro­duce ourselves with an enorm­ous man­u­fac­tur­ing depth. Our tent clean­ing machines are 100 per­cent made in Ger­many, 100 per­cent made by SKP — Solu­tions Know­ledge Pro­gress.

Com­pany news


The annu­al Showman’s Show took place in New­bury on Octo­ber 23rd and 24th. Many thanks for the numer­ous vis­its to our stand and the inter­est­ing

Weit­er­lesen »
Product news

Large drum

We were able to present the new RC2200 at the Eschen­bach in-house exhib­i­tion. The lar­ger drum impresses with its addi­tion­al wash­ing depth. SKP clean­ing sys­tems

Weit­er­lesen »

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