The reli­able func­tion­ing and the dur­ab­il­ity of these uni­ver­sal usable and effi­cient machines can­not be beaten. They work for clean­ing widths up to six meters whereby the lat­ter is also optim­al for the sim­ul­tan­eous clean­ing of two 3‑meter tar­paul­ins. For years, this type of machine has been the one most used for clean­ing and dry­ing PVC tar­paul­ins. PR6000 is also suit­able for clean­ing pagoda tar­paul­ins up to five meters, to a lim­ited extent even up to six meters.

The reli­able func­tion­ing and the dur­ab­il­ity of these uni­ver­sal usable and effi­cient machines can­not be beaten. They work for clean­ing widths up to five meters. For years, this type of machine has been the one most used for clean­ing and dry­ing PVC tar­paul­ins. PR5000 is also suit­able for clean­ing pagoda tar­paul­ins up to five meters.

PR3000 is for com­pan­ies with mostly 3 meter sized tar­paul­ins. It is pos­sible to clean tar­paul­ins of even lar­ger sizes by fold­ing and clean­ing the tar­paul­ins two times. With this product you receive an optim­al sys­tem for effi­cient clean­ing and dry­ing.

The PR6000VGD is the exten­sion of the PR6000 with a second car­riage. It impresses with the same unbeat­able func­tion­al reli­ab­il­ity and dur­ab­il­ity as the PR6000 and is also suit­able for clean­ing widths of up to 6 metres and the pos­sib­il­ity of clean­ing two 3‑metre tar­paul­ins at the same time. The second trans­port trol­ley allows the machine to be used in con­tinu­ous oper­a­tion. While one tar­paul­in is being washed, the next tar­paul­in is loaded and sprayed with clean­er. Thus, a high through­put is achieved.

A space-sav­ing but effi­cient altern­at­ive to the PR6000VGD is the PR6000 with End­less option.

SKP GmbH also pro­duces besides the stand­ard width also indi­vidu­al dimen­sions. One of our PR7000 is used for the catch­ment area Bogota in Columbia for example. You are wel­come to dis­cuss the indi­vidu­al sizes in a per­son­al con­ver­sa­tion with us.

If you are inter­ested in a PR with a spe­cial width, con­tact us. We will dis­cuss a spe­cial solu­tion with you and we spe­cify the require­ments in the sys­tem.

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