EC5000 was designed as a clean­ing machine for PVC-tar­paul­ins without com­plex elec­tron­ic con­trol. It offers you access in the field of clean­ing fab­rics up to a width of 5 meters in addi­tion to a effect­ive dry­ing sys­tem. EC5000 provides also smal­ler com­pan­ies the chance to clean and care for their fab­rics mach­in­able. It achieves good res­ults with a very small amount of space and with a simple key-con­trolled pan­el.

The EC5500 can clean wider tar­paul­ins. It is there­fore the lar­ger ver­sion of the EC5000. The EC Series provides an easy entry into the clean­ing and dry­ing of PVC tar­paul­ins.

The EC5300 is the latest mod­el of the EC series. The EC5000 as a smal­ler ver­sion. 3m tar­paul­ins can be eas­ily cleaned and dried with the EC5300. In addi­tion, this machine is one-sided load­ing and unload­ing.

With the EC3000 fast and excel­lent res­ults are pos­sible. This plant com­bines the simple clean­ing of tar­paul­in mater­i­al of a WT3000K with the advant­ages of the trans­port­a­tion solu­tion of the PR3000. From this com­bin­a­tion res­ul­ted a clean­ing machine which makes a fast and effi­cient clean­ing pos­sible with small space require­ment. The EC3000 cleans fab­ric up to three meter width with a max­mim­um length of 20 meter.In spe­cial cases it is pos­sible to work with broad­er tar­paul­ins. Then only in each case the interi­or and the exter­i­or is cleaned by one step. Indi­vidu­al func­tions like the wind­ing, the brushes and the clean­er pump are elec­tric­al.

The EC mobil is the altern­at­ive for a loc­a­tion-inde­pendet machine. This machine is placed on a trail­er. Both types, EC3000mobil and EC5000mobil offer unique advant­ages in the puri­fic­a­tion of per­man­ently posi­tioned tents and can­op­ies, espe­cially smoking tents, mar­quees of res­taur­ants and on camp­sites. Due to the design of these trail­ers, they are exempt of the motor vehicle tax in Ger­many.

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