The QM3000 enables a very effi­cient wash­ing pro­cess. The clean­ing of the tar­paul­in mater­i­al in a con­tinu­ous pro­cess sim­pli­fies hand­ling and pro­tects the mater­i­al. The cleaned tar­paul­in can be fol­ded or rolled on the unload­ing side, while the next dirty tar­paul­in can be pre­pared and hung dir­ectly on the load­ing side. The QM3000 can wash tar­paul­ins up to 3 meters wide.

The QM5000 enables a very effi­cient wash­ing pro­cess. The clean­ing of the tar­paul­in mater­i­al in a con­tinu­ous pro­cess sim­pli­fies hand­ling and pro­tects the mater­i­al. The cleaned tar­paul­in can be fol­ded or rolled on the unload­ing side, while the next dirty tar­paul­in can be pre­pared and hung dir­ectly on the load­ing side. The QM5000 can wash tar­paul­ins up to 5 meters wide.

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