The RC1400 drum clean­er is the ideal addi­tion to con­ven­tion­al flat clean­ing. Wheth­er side tar­paul­ins, gables, pago­das or oth­er tar­paul­ins that can­not be cleaned well with flat clean­ing — the drum is the solu­tion. With up to 10 indi­vidu­al wash­ing pro­grammes, para­met­ers such as dur­a­tion, water quant­ity, speed and angle of rota­tion can be eas­ily pre­set and selec­ted. It is also pos­sible to dis­in­fect the mater­i­al after the effi­cient rins­ing pro­cess. The plastic drum ensures that the water tem­per­at­ure is main­tained for exten­ded wash­ing times. The view­ing win­dow and the option­al load­ing and unload­ing trol­ley ensure easy hand­ling of the tar­paul­in mater­i­al. The option­al roller shut­ter reduces the width of the machine and allows it to be posi­tioned against the wall.

The RC2200 is the large ver­sion of the RC1400 drum clean­ing sys­tem. As an ideal addi­tion to flat clean­ing, it can also be used to clean gables, side tar­paul­ins, pago­das and oth­er spe­cial formats. The RC2200 can clean up to 50% more mater­i­al in one wash cycle. The dia­met­er of the clean­ing drum is the same as that of the RC1400, so the mater­i­al is dis­trib­uted over a great­er depth, which means that clean­ing remains gentle even with lar­ger loads. With the RC2200, up to 10 indi­vidu­al wash­ing pro­grammes can also be set with para­met­ers such as dur­a­tion, water quant­ity, speed and rota­tion angle. The option­al roller shut­ter reduces the width of the machine and allows it to be posi­tioned against the wall.

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