CEO Oliv­er Schwer­dtfeger

We are delighted to intro­duce Oliv­er Schwer­dtfeger to you today.
Since this month, he has held the pos­i­tion of CEO at SKP GmbH. After more than 20 years as Man­aging Dir­ect­or, Mat­thi­as Segiet has handed over his pos­i­tion to Oliv­er Schwer­dtfeger, but will remain with SKP GmbH as Seni­or Sales Con­sult­ant.

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The annu­al Showman’s Show took place in New­bury on Octo­ber 23rd and 24th. Many thanks for the numer­ous vis­its to our stand and the inter­est­ing


Large drum

We were able to present the new RC2200 at the Eschen­bach in-house exhib­i­tion. The lar­ger drum impresses with its addi­tion­al wash­ing depth. SKP clean­ing sys­tems


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