Large drum

We were able to present the new RC2200 at the Eschen­bach in-house exhib­i­tion. The lar­ger drum impresses with its addi­tion­al wash­ing depth. SKP clean­ing sys­tems are char­ac­ter­ised in par­tic­u­lar by their gentle clean­ing action. This poses a chal­lenge for drum clean­ing in that the tar­paul­in mater­i­al lies on top of each oth­er dur­ing the wash­ing pro­cess and the weight of the tar­paul­in affects the mater­i­al lying under­neath. The RC2200 there­fore impresses with a great­er clean­ing depth while the dia­met­er remains the same. This means that we can con­tin­ue to clean the mater­i­al gently, but increase the capa­city of the drum by 50%. The advant­ages of the RC1400, such as pro­gram­mable wash­ing cycles, heat-retain­ing plastic drum and effi­cient rins­ing cycle, remain with the RC2200.

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The annu­al Showman’s Show took place in New­bury on Octo­ber 23rd and 24th. Many thanks for the numer­ous vis­its to our stand and the inter­est­ing


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