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Neuigkeiten aus dem Hause SKP

Company news

New inter­net pres­ence

Everything is so beau­ti­fully new here: Our homepage has under­gone a relaunch in terms of appear­ance, con­tent and struc­ture — and we hope you like

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Product news

Large drum

We were able to present the new RC2200 at the Eschen­bach in-house exhib­i­tion. The lar­ger drum impresses with its addi­tion­al wash­ing depth. SKP clean­ing sys­tems

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Product news

Min­im­um water use

As the pre­cious resource of water is becom­ing increas­ingly scarce, our clean­ing machines work with min­im­al water use. After all, it is not only the

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